Tuesday 24 March 2020

Nutrient Mistakes to Avoid When Growing Cannabis

Just because the cannabis plant is often referred to as 'weed', does not mean that it grows like one. That is, cannabis cultivation requires a fair bit more care and control than simply setting and forgetting.

A properly cared for cannabis plant will require careful procedure, nutrients, and light control in order to yield the absolute best bud annually. If you're looking for high CBD hemp seeds for sale, we have you covered.

Not Putting Nutrients in the Soil Is the Most Common Mistake for New Growers

Because growing cannabis can be so tricky, it is important to know some common mistakes newcomers make when growing. In this way, you can avoid making them for yourself.

Not putting nutrients in the soil is one of the largest areas of concern for most newcomers. Here are some common mistakes that new growers make, in regard to the nutrients they give their new cannabis plants.

Poor pH Balance

Cannabis is amazingly pH sensitive. Often new growers will simply grab some water from their tap and add it to their plant as if it was a normal flower or herb. This is potentially a lethal mistake for the plant itself. You should always make sure the pH balance of the water is correct, before giving it to your plant.

Ideally, the pH balance of water for cannabis plants should be between 5.7-6.5. Anything more or less can harm the plant in a multitude of ways. Always check your water, before watering!

Overfeeding Can Cause Leaf Burn

It's easy to become excited by progress. If you notice your cannabis plant is growing beautifully, you might become overzealous and give it more food. After all, more food will only help it grow faster, right? Wrong.

Overfeeding the plant nutrients can cause something known as 'leaf burn'. This is when the tips of the leaves turn yellow or brow in color. This is a sign that the roots are too blocked by nutrients and cannot access proper levels of water. This will eventually kill the plant if not corrected! Take care to only feed your cannabis what it needs, never ever too much.

Not Knowing Your Water Source

The pH balance of the water isn't the only thing that is important. In certain areas, particularly urban areas with municipal water sources, can have all types of particulates and minerals in the water. These are generally safe for human consumption but can cause issues when fed to a cannabis plant.

You should always do your due diligence to check the composition of your local water, to make sure it is safe to give to your cannabis plant. If not, it will need to be treated properly.

Growing in Improper Containers

When cannabis grows outside, the soil itself has a natural method for allowing water runoff. When growing indoors, inside a container or vessel, you will not necessarily have that. It is important to ensure that water and excess nutrients have a easy path of runoff in order to prevent them from building up and sitting in the soil for extended periods of time.

Improper water runoff can lead to root disease, root rot, and a host of other issues with the cannabis plant down the road. Always make sure that the water and nutrients have a place to go when they are in excess.

Cannabis plants are rather fickle beasts. While growing cannabis is considered to be a relatively straightforward process, it still has the chance to go sour rather quickly. Make sure that you understand the nutrients process and how to properly feed your cannabis.

A happy cannabis plant is one that eats right, and gets the proper nutrients to stay healthy. .

Original Post: Discountpharms.com

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