Saturday 15 February 2020

The Difference Between Hemp Seeds and Hemp Clones

Hemp is one of the oldest known crops that humanity has cultivated throughout our history.

For thousands of years, humans have grown hemp for one reason or another. Hemp is one of the most versatile, durable, and industrial crops that exist today. As such, it is among the most popular crops for farmers and small-time growers throughout the USA.

If you are interested in growing your very own hemp, whether on a small scale or large, you probably have a few questions regarding the process in general.

One of the main questions newcomers have, is the difference between clones and seeds. How does the choice effect your overall yield, and what differences do they each carry regarding overall growth?

Let's break it down a bit and explore how seeds and clones differ and what they each offer. Learn where you can purchase CBD seeds.

Growing Hemp from A Seed

When you imagine growing any plant, it is likely that you imagine planting a seed. It's only natural, after all. Nearly every type of crop, large or small, starts with the simple act of planting the seeds for the crop in the soil.

This is typically fine, when you compare the process to typical commercial crop seeds. When planting say - tomatoes for example - the seeds are genetically stable usually. This means that across the entire crop, you are likely to get an identical product from the same seeds.

Cannabis (hemp seeds), are not so genetically stable. In fact, hemp seeds will produce crops that are more like cousins than twins. In essence, when you plant your seeds, each plant is going to be slightly unique in its own way. It is hard to get any form of consistency with seeds. That does not mean that growing from seeds does not come with some advantages, however.

Seeds can be stored much longer, which means that you can control your planting cycle more accurately. In addition, seeds are guaranteed to be free of any pests or viruses as they haven't grown to risk developing them yet. Where you lack in genetic consistency, you get stability and heartiness from seed growing.

Growing Hemp from A Clone

'Cloning' a hemp plant is rather straightforward. By cutting away a branch (typically from the lower part of the plant) and allowing it to grow roots in soil or water for 2-3 weeks, you can create an identical clone of the mother plant.

This is great for industrial growers who wish to guarantee a consistent product. If you have a certain plant that is genetically superior, you can clone it to keep the same results going forward.

It should be noted, however, that cloning is a rather time-consuming process. In addition, you run the risk of transferring any viruses or diseases the mother plant may have, onto the clone. However, clones will grow faster than hemp seeds will. They just may not be as hearty.

In the end, the choice of growing from hemp seeds, or cloning is going to be up to you and your needs. Farming and cultivation in general is filled with people who have their own preferences and methods of doing things.

But, to summarize, cloning is more consistent and easier to guarantee a good product. Growing from hemp seeds is cheaper, more 'pure', but takes more time and is hardly consistent in results. In the end, the choice is yours. Either way, though, you can still end up with a happy and healthy hemp crop of your own.

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