Friday 20 December 2019

Trending Now : High CBD Low THC Hemp Flower

With a CBD popularity wave crossing the nation, many new or veteran users are searching out flower with high CBD and low THC content. Any bud with over 15% CBD, and less than .3% THC qualifies as hemp flower which is now federally legal. So what makes high CBD hemp flower different, and what are the most classic or trending strains? Read on to find out.

Why High CBD & Low THC?

High CBD and Low THC hemp flower is increasing in popularity for its widespread benefits, the obvious being medically, the not so obvious being recreationally. Due to being less regulated and nationally legal - boutique hemp flower is showing up in many retail-store locations.

Specifically non cannabis stores due to the ease of legally handling hemp flower, yet the product tastes like cannabis, smells like cannabis, and even smokes like cannabis.

Additionally the CBD benefits are still offered when inhaling hemp flower. As a bonus hemp flower has mild enough effects for first time users or for those seeking lower highs since there is no THC in the product or at least very little.

Strains with high CBD and low THC counts, can be very therapeutic in nature. The CBD ratios can cause relief for minor pains, or insomnia, and even more severe conditions like epilepsy and opioid addiction.

Most high CBD and low THC strains are found in oil or extract form, but certain strains are smokeable like marijuana, too. The buds or oil can also be infused into edibles for longer lasting effects.

When choosing a high CBD strain it’s important to know what terpenes the strain contains, too. Terpenes are essential oils found in all cannabis plants, that provide additional medical effects like anti-inflammation, antimicrobial, anti-itch and more.

Bluegenius Hemp Flower

Popular (& Classic) High CBD Strains

With the emergence of increasing researched benefits provided by high CBD hemp strains, so has the number of emerging strains increased on the market. Let’s look at the most popular and classic high cbd hemp flower strains, now.

  1. Charlotte’s Web - Showing high effectiveness in aiding the symptoms of epilepsy, Charlotte’s Web is one of the most notably medical strains on the market today. With less than .3% THC, this hemp flower gained major credit for effectively treating seizures. The flower itself is woody, citrus and piney in flavor.
  2. Harle-Tsu - Showing levels of less than 1% THC, Harle-Tsu’s effects are favorable for pain relief. The strain is also high in the terpenes, myrcene and humulene. The humulene terpene is anti-bacterial, anti-tumor, and anti-inflammatory. Myrcene is sedative, antibiotic, analgesic (relief of pain) and also anti-inflammatory. These terpenes also lend their woody, herbal and earthy aromas to the Harle-Tsu flower.
  3. Cherry Wine - High in terpenes, with CBD levels wavering between 15-27%, the Cherry Wine strain is increasing quickly in popularity. With less than .3% THC, the hemp flower is fruity and floral in flavor. The dominant terpenes include myrcene, humulene and also, caryophyllene. Caryophyllene is unique by terpene terms as it reacts directly with cannabinoid receptors (specifically CB2). This terpene and strain can medically help symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, pain, anxiety and stress.
  4. Afternoon Delight - A rare strain, packed with terpenes and scents of pine, Afternoon Delight’s relaxing effects are ideal for conditions like depression, stress, pain and insomnia. The bud’s high is also uplifting providing bursts of energy perfect for daytime use.
  5. Bleugenius - Again, high in CBD content the strain Bleugenius is known for its’ calm and soothing effects. Berry, floral and woody in scent, Bleugenius flower provides a strong cerebral head high and is medically prescribed in the treatment of headaches.
  6. ACDC - Another well known high CBD strain, ACDC typically carries a 20:1 CBD to THC ratio. With CBD levels reaching nearly 19%, the earthy and woody strain is often recommended for a variety of medical conditions including multiple sclerosis, pain, epilepsy and can help the side-effects of chemotherapy.
  7. Ringo’s Gift - Named for CBD enthusiast Laurence Ringo and not Ringo Star, the strain Ringo’s Gift is a present to patients looking for full body relaxation. With CBD:THC ratios nearly 24:1 you can see why the strain proves to be so helpful. High in anti-inflammation traits, Ringo’s Gift addresses pain, stress, depression and insomnia as well. The flower is citrusy and nutty in aroma.

Fly High with Low THC High CBD Strains

High CBD strains are trending in popularity because of their lack in psychoactive effects, and abundance of medical benefits. If you’re looking to find relief, without the high - check out the high CBD seeds, clones and products in stock now.

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