At this time, some 3,000,000 Americans have been diagnosed with glaucoma. That’s just here in the United States alone. It is not clear just how many individuals suffer from this debilitating condition throughout the world.
What Is Glaucoma?
Many have no idea what glaucoma is, and quite possibly, have never heard of it. Glaucoma is an eye condition that can cause damage to the optic nerve, that can result in blindness if left untreated.
It has been estimated that around twelve percent of the cases of blindness in the United States is caused by glaucoma. People of African-American descent are especially prone to this disease.
What Causes Glaucoma?
Even today, in the twenty-first century, the causes of glaucoma remain a mystery. There are certain known factors that may cause glaucoma, old age being the main one. However, most of us would rather reach an elderly age, glaucoma of not.
This condition can often be the cause of seeing rings of color, nausea, headaches, vomiting, and blurred vision. These are important warning signs that blindness may occur, especially if the condition is left untreated.
Sometimes, eye surgery or an eye injury can be the cause. Those with diabetes or tumors appear to be more susceptible also. Indeed, there are many causes of glaucoma. As stated above, some are known, while others remain a complete mystery.
Treatments For Glaucoma
Unfortunately, glaucoma cannot be cured or stopped. Treatment for this condition is for the patient to feel less pressure in the eye. Early treatments may include eye drops, but that is only a stopgap and soon, the patient may receive no benefits from such treatment.
There are a number of oral medications that some patients find helpful, and the final most invasive treatment would be surgery. Surgery, however, is not a panacea for the eye. This may lead to cataracts, bleeding, pain, and in the worst case, blindness. We do not suggest replacing any currently prescribed products by your physician and always suggest you speak with a physician before potentially combining and trying new CBD products.

CBD Oil And Glaucoma
There is another treatment that many have found to be the most beneficial. This is a move from traditional medicine, to what many refer to as "alternative" medicine.
Studies have shown that medical marijuana and CBD oil may bring three or four hours of relief from the pressure inside of the eyes. This is done by reducing inflammation in the body.
Many have found that traditional treatments for glaucoma have been known to cause burning, constriction of the pupil, worsening eyesight (especially at night), bloodshot eyes, depression, and lung problems. Surgery sounds like a much better option, so many people go in that direction first.
CBD oil, obtained from the cannabis plant, is an alternative treatment that many are finding most helpful. In the past, many who suffered from glaucoma found that using CBD oil reduced eye pressure, and brought relief from the painful form of glaucoma.
Although most are still unaware of it, cannabis has been researched for a long time in the area of medicinal interest. The evidence tells us that this plant has the potential to reduce inflammation, bringing temporary relief to sufferers from this condition.
Starting in the 1970's, smoking marijuana was known to reduce inner eye pressure. The benefits of this for treatment of glaucoma went unnoticed, at first.
Many potential patients didn't want to take the drug, considering that usage was illegal and they also associated marijuana with the “hippy” generation.
Now, nearly forty years later, marijuana has become legal in many states, allowing for the medicinal use of CBD oil as well. CBD was actually first extracted in 1963, but more research and politics played an important role in the delay of it being used for medical purposes.
After ongoing experiments in the lab, researchers have determined that after testing other synthetic possibilities, it was proven to that none were as effective in reducing eye pressure in sufferers of glaucoma as marijuana and CBD oil was.
While we're not suggesting that CBD can reverse the condition, it can reduce eye pressure in many patients. Research continues to learn more each day about glaucoma, and the ways to treat it. If you are searching for wholesale cbd isolate, or CBD oil in general, click the link and take a look at the selection there.
Hopefully, one day we shall be able to reverse, or even prevent the onset of glaucoma. The takeaway here is that CBD oil has been proven to be helpful.
Most patients report immediate temporary improvement, as well as a reduction of ocular pain and headaches associated with this condition.
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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
This website contains general information about diet, health and nutrition. The information is not advice and is not a substitute for advice from a healthcare professional.
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