Friday 4 January 2019

How To Choose The Best Quality CBD Oil

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is quickly becoming one of the leading natural supplements for a variety of difficult to treat conditions, such as pain, anxiety, insomnia, and epilepsy.

With the ever growing popularity of this compound, more and more CBD products are flooding the market, giving users the ultimate choice when it comes to sourcing it. However, knowing what to look for when it comes to CBD quality can highly affect the way you experience relief from your symptoms.

CBD is extracted from the hemp plant through an easy to perform process. This means that just about anyone can produce CBD, resulting in a non-standardized product.

Unfortunately, this means that there are many inferior products out there, so knowing how to spot the real stuff from the fake is a good skill to have. Here, we take you through a guide on how to buy the best quality CBD oil:

#1. Pay Attention To How The CBD Oil Is Manufactured

CBD must be extracted from the hemp plant in order to produce the oil, and the way that this is done can vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. For the less reputable manufacturers, the cheaper extraction methods offer many low cost benefits.

This involves the use of toxic solvents such as hexane, propane and butane during the extraction process. Without due care during the extraction process, the end product can often contain traces of these solvents, which is bad for your health.

More reputable companies will use carbon dioxide extraction to produce CBD oil. This involves CO2 under high pressure and cold temperatures, which results in a pure CBD product at the end of the process.

CO2 extraction equipment is expensive, but well worth the cost for a high quality product. If you want to be able to trust that your CBD oil is of high quality, look for a product that uses CO2 extraction.

Looking for cbd oil products in California? Take a look at this selection.

#2. Check The Source Of The Hemp

CBD is derived from the hemp plant, so it goes without saying that the source of the plant will affect the overall quality of the CBD that is produced. Any worthy manufacturer will be transparent about the source of their materials, including their hemp, so make sure you check where the hemp was grown and what conditions it was grown in.

For example, hemp grown in mineral rich soil will have more benefits than plants that are grown in soils that contain a high concentration of toxins or heavy metals.

In certain parts of the world, like the U.S., hemp growers are required to be certified by regulatory bodies. In order to be sure that your CBD is derived from hemp that is grown in accordance with particular standards, always check the manufacturer’s source.

#3. Check The THC Level

CBD is the non-psychoactive component of the hemp plant. Tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, on the other hand, is the component of the cannabis plant that is responsible for the highs that come with ingesting the substance.

You can expect that some THC may be present in the final product post-extraction, and this is certainly true in the case of full spectrum CBD oils, which are amongst the most effective types of oil on the market.

However, a high presence of THC may indicate an issue with the extraction and manufacturing process. Always be sure that the percentage of THC in the final product is below 0.3%, as this is the standard cutoff used to determined THC versus non-THC products.

You will often find lab results on the manufacturer’s websites, so do your due diligence so that you don’t feel any unintended effects from your CBD oil, and can be assured that you’re not buying a fake.


If you’ve decided to see what CBD has to offer you, in terms of relief from your symptoms of chronic ailments and disorders, then you’re making a great step towards treating your health issues naturally.

While there are many CBD oil products flooding the market right now, you’ll find that the quality vastly differs from product to product. By using our guide, you can learn how to choose the best quality CBD oil to treat your symptoms, while avoiding the fakes.

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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


This website contains general information about diet, health and nutrition. The information is not advice and is not a substitute for advice from a healthcare professional

What Are Dissolvable Cannabinoids and How Can They Be Beneficial?

In several states in the US, cannabis is legally used for recreational and medical purposes. You can find infused edibles in many cannabis dispensaries. With infused products, its flavor or aftertaste is often detectable. Over the years, it has been a big task to solve the problem of cannabis flavor. Finally, a new preparation method seems to overcome this challenge, and it is called dissolvable cannabinoids. This is the newest way to consume your cannabis! Perhaps you are wondering how dissolvable cannabinoids are made. Yes, we shall look at this in length but first, let’s get some heads up on this topic.

What are cannabinoids?

Cannabinoids (THC, CBD, etc.) are water-hating oily matter, also referred to as hydrophobic. It implies that the edible and packaged cannabis product is insoluble in water. Throughout the medical cannabis industry, the term “water-soluble” THC or CBD has been used extensively to mean a cannabis product that can consistently incorporate into the water after separating its ions or molecules, so it maintains the taste or flavor. And as we all know, any oily substance is typically repelled by water, making the two substances remain separated.

Making water-soluble cannabinoids

That said and done, the good news is that THC, CDB, or any other oily cannabis product can be made water soluble or compatible, so it maintains original odor, flavor, and taste. The question is: how are dissolvable cannabinoids made?

The truth of the matter is that it is incredibly hard to turn an insoluble molecule into a soluble one. This is why cannabinoids are considered to be hydrophobic and explains the reason why the cannabis industry has, for a long time, been limited to infusion options. Below, we have listed the steps required to convert non-soluble cannabis to a soluble cannabinoid product.

First step: Emulsification

The very first step begins by sourcing a high-quality carbon dioxide distillate. Take this distillate and emulsify it into a semi-liquid mixture (called slurry) using food-grade emulsifiers and surfactants. At the mixture stage, the distillate gets broken into minute particles besides being coated by surfactants. This is typically the only option on how to make “water-hating” particles turn soluble!

Second step: Drying

This step involves removing excess moisture to dry up the slurry. While it takes several days to evaporate, it can be accelerated using vacuum ovens. Once it is dry, you will have a dry and fine powder, ready for dosing or packaging.

Final step: Dosing & Packaging

Just like any other dispensary product, dosing dissolvable cannabinoids is a vital step. It involves rigorous testing, careful calculation, and more importantly, precise execution. Once you are through with dosing, you can easily package the product according to your set standards.

Benefits of dis-solvable cannabinoids

Besides being soluble in water and easily mixed into any other beverage at any chosen concentration, dissolvable cannabinoids provide users with exceptionally high therapeutic effect and bio-availability. They are easily absorbed into the body - through the skin or orally - completely and very rapidly. In fact, uptake begins immediately in the mouth, if you prefer oral administration, which means the product achieves quicker onset of action and higher potency for lower doses. Other benefits include:

• Odorless;

• Fully activated;

• Zero calorie - hence used for health-conscious options;

• Flavorless.

Now you know how to make “water-hating” cannabis into a stunning water-soluble product. The game changer is in the power of dissolvable cannabinoids and there you have one of the newest ways to consume your herb!

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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


This website contains general information about diet, health and nutrition. The information is not advice and is not a substitute for advice from a healthcare professional

Thursday 3 January 2019

THC Detox - Facts and Myths

Tetrahydrocannabinol or THC is the chemical component that gives you the high when ingesting marijuana. It is the psychoactive component in cannabis. Everyone seems to have different opinions on the best methods of THC Detox. Some are truly effective; however, there are a lot of myths about detoxing from the effects of cannabis.

The first thing that you need to know is, nothing works really quickly in THC Detox. A few of the suggested methods are quite dangerous. Be aware and responsible in maintaining your own health!

Please Note - We do not suggest replacing any currently prescribed products by your physician, and always recommend you speak with a physician before potentially combining and trying new CBD and or THC products with prescribed medications. This article is for informational purposes only and does not intend to offer any medical advice or services.

Below are some of the methods and practices that DO NOT work.


Bleach is used to clean the impurities in toilets and washrooms. Purposely, it contains sodium hydroxide, sodium chloride, sodium Polyacrylate and few other substances which could be dangerous if ingested. Seriously, it’s really shocking to hear that some people drink undiluted bleach to pass a urine test! Another method is to put powdered bleach in your urine sample. Bleach will leave a detectable residue in the urine sample. It will also change the pH balance of the urine sample, which will cause it to be useless. Bleach is NOT a safe method for THC detox!!


Taking Niacin pills may increase your metabolism to some extent. It helps to improve skin health and also has health benefits for hair and eyes. But, using it as a detox method is not a fool proof method. In many cases, it can cause skin issues and diarrhea.

Vinegar & Excessive Water Consumption:

Apple cider vinegar can be used to detox your urine, but it cannot flush the THC toxins from your system. It requires a continuous intake of vinegar for weeks to clean the THC toxins to some extent. However, excessive consumption of water and vinegar will come with side effects as well. Some of them can lead to organ seizure and death.

Cranberry Juice & Detox Teas:

It is a good choice to detox your body occasionally and cranberry juice and detox teas are a well-known detoxifying method. But, not for THC detox. You will need more compounds than just the cranberry juice and teas to flush out THC toxins from your system.

Below are the proven and safe methods of THC detox.

Detoxing THC Naturally:

Firstly, abstain from all ingestion of cannabis products. That’s what will help to prepare your body to detox naturally. Also, it will keep the body from further accumulating THC toxins. Fat cells are the storage system for THC toxins, so it is a good idea to exercise often when you want to detox from THC. Exercise can burn those unwanted fats and it also helps in increasing the metabolism.

Drink water just to stay hydrated, but don’t drink excessive amounts. Drinking excessive amounts of water results in decreased sodium levels. Not only that, excessive water drinking can cause cramps, nausea, fatigue and a few other disturbing conditions. In addition, avoiding junk foods and unhealthy food habits will help prevent water retention and increase metabolism. Further, drinking more tea can boost the oxidant levels and will result in cleaner liver.

Detoxing THC using products:

Bentonite clay is an effective detox method. Molecules in the toxins of THC have a positive charge, This clay has molecules that are negatively charged. While using this clay, you can neutralize those toxins. Further, it boosts the metabolism and flushes out the unwanted fats and toxins effectively. Bentonite clay can be consumed or can be applied on the skin for added health benefits.

Detox Drinks & Detox Kit:

Detox drinks are specially made with substances which can detoxify and cleanse your body. Also, you will know exactly what ingredients you are consuming and the amounts of those ingredients. Edible ingredients in small percentages ensure detoxifying without side effects. Most detox kits come with a wide range of herbal products. These products are safer to consume then the DIY detoxing methods and contain great detoxifying agents.

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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


This website contains general information about diet, health and nutrition. The information is not advice and is not a substitute for advice from a healthcare professional

The Farm Bill Will Legalize Hemp - What Does That Mean for CBD?

CBD (cannabinoid), which is the non-psychoactive portion of marijuana, is becoming increasingly popular because there are quite a few health benefits which it offers. It is known to help in relieving stress, anxiety, insomnia and pain. The best thing is that all this is done without getting high. Hence, CBD is now being extensively used in all kinds of edible and topical products, such as lattes, vitamins, cookies, moisturizers, teas, ice creams, beers, gummies, dog treats as well as massage oils.

The New Farm Bill

Congress recently voted in favor of the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018, also known as the Farm Bill, which will legalize hemp and this decision is most certainly a historical step. The next step in legalization is for the President to approve the bill. Many people are questioning what the legalization of Hemp will mean for CBD. CBD can be extracted from marijuana or hemp but, regardless of its origins, it continues to be on the list as a Schedule 1 substance. In other words, it is controlled as far as usage is concerned and there must be the right kind of prescription or doctor’s recommendation for its usage.

Will the Legal Status of CBD Change?

With the legalization of hemp, CBD will most certainly become even more prominent in the health industry. The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) continues to classify CBD as illegal. Hence it continues to be a highly controlled substance. However, it is not common for the government to be concerned with possession of CBD or products that contain CBD. At this time, it is unclear whether or not CBD will actually be reclassified as a non-controlled substance, regardless of the legalization of hemp. But the tide is turning toward more liberal laws for the use of CBD. The legalization of hemp is a huge step in the right direction.

Legalizing Hemp Will Give A Big Boost to the CBD Industry

Hemp has never been used as a drug because it has less than 0.3% THC. Therefore, people will not get the “high” that they would get from marijuana. Historically, hemp has been used for industrial purposes, such as use in paper and all kinds of textiles. However, since 1970 there has been a major change in the laws regarding hemp. It was classified as a Schedule 1 drug under the Controlled Substances Act, which caused it to become illegal to grow and sell in any form.

Now that hemp has been removed from the Schedule 1 category of controlled substances, it certainly is big news! This will give a huge boost to the growth of the CBD industry also. Although this may not happen immediately, once it does happen, it could literally open the floodgates for the use of CBD. Once CBD is more freely available, the use of this substance for medical research and other health purposes will see drastic growth. However, it will require patience to change the negative views surrounding the use of CBD.

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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


This website contains general information about diet, health and nutrition. The information is not advice and is not a substitute for advice from a healthcare professional

5 Common Mistaken Beliefs about Hemp

Cannabis has managed to develop a cult-like following in the medical world lately. Surprisingly, the medical buzz with cannabis has been so much more than the recreational hype of the years past. More and more countries are moving to legalize the plant and its products for health purposes.

Hemp is a part of the cannabis plant family from which marijuana descends. Both plants have many medical benefits. Quite often though, hemp is confused with marijuana, giving rise to mistaken beliefs. To help shed some light on hemp, below are five common mistaken beliefs:

Hemp looks and smells like cannabis but doesn't have high THC like cannabis does

1. Hemp and marijuana are the same

That’s a common misguided belief about these sister plants. True, they are from the same genus, but there is a whole world of differences between hemp and marijuana. For starters, THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) which is the intoxicating component in marijuana only exists in trace amounts in hemp. In cases where marijuana packs more than 40 % of THC, hemp would only contain 0.4% of THC.

On the other hand, CBD (Cannabidiol) which is a medicinal component in the cannabis plants is more available in hemp than in marijuana. Today there is hemp cultivated specially for CBD which is entirely different from hemp grown for industrial use.

2. Hemp products can give you a high

This myth is unfounded and so far from the truth. The surprising fact is that you can smoke a whole acre of hemp and fail to get high. Hemp products, as stated previously, only have trace amounts of THC, the compound that produces the “high” effect of marijuana. With hemp, your body will quickly absorb and process the minute traces of THC without having any psychoactive effects.

3. You can fail a drug test when using hemp

Hemp supplements and medical products have low amounts of THC, lower than what standard drug tests consider to be intoxication. You cannot fail a drug test because of hemp, because it is purely CBD. You can safely use hemp products even before a sports competition.

Additionally, many people believe that hemp products are only safe for adults. That’s not true. People of all ages can safely use hemp health products. Hemp CBD has been used to reduce the symptoms of epilepsy and many other conditions in children.

4. It is illegal to buy or possess hemp products

Hemp products are legal; however, dealing with raw hemp is illegal and industrial hemp growers usually need a permit to grow the plant. Nevertheless, you can safely buy health products and other things made from hemp without falling on the wrong side of the law.

5. Hemp plantations can be used to hide marijuana

That is a myth that breaks all the laws of agriculture. Marijuana and hemp farmers understand that the cross-pollination that will happen in that case can significantly reduce the quality of CBD in hemp or the purity of THC in marijuana. For that reason, these plants cannot be grown together.

Hemp has always been cast under the shadows of Marijuana’s limelight. This cannabis plant, however, has immense health benefits. The above myth-busting facts can give you a better understanding of hemp.



These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


This website contains general information about diet, health and nutrition. The information is not advice and is not a substitute for advice from a healthcare professional.

Wednesday 2 January 2019

Favorite Cannabis Strains That Are "CBD-Rich"

Cannabis strains considered to be rich in CBD are quickly becoming one of the most popular supplements in the marijuana industry. Individuals who suffer from overwhelming stress, chronic pain, muscle spasms, convulsions, inflammation, or even constant anxiety have found great relief with this harmless, natural cannabinoid which is derived from a particular category of medical marijuana. It is important to note that CDB is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid, known for altering the effects of consumed THC. This explains why it increases your happiness level and brings about cerebral and euphoric effects while decreasing nervousness, anxiety, and paranoia. That notwithstanding, the challenge with high CDB stains is that it is exceedingly hard to find one that is ideal for all your cannabis purposes since not all CDB have similar effects. Let’s check out some of the favorite strains of marijuana that are rich in CBD.

1). MediHaze

Also known as CDB Medi Haze, MediHaze is one of the most popular and favorite cannabis strains among many people in the US. It is best suited for relaxation and stress relief. This high CDB rich strain is derived from a mix of at least four other strains, giving a great THC to CBD ratio of 1:1. This strain is highly applauded for its pleasant aroma and taste of spices, pine, and mint. Besides that, MediHaze causes enough buzz to stimulate euphoria without necessarily reaching the infamous pothead levels.

2). ACDC

ACDC is funky hybrid CBD rich strain with an amazingly high ratio of THC to CBD. In fact, it has approximately 1% of THC and about 20% of potent CDB. With this ratio, its users will receive amazing relaxing effects with no psychotropic haze. It is also known for its soothing and calming effects. This strain boasts earthy, woody, and citrus flavors.

3) CDB Shark

CDB Shark is yet another cannabis strain with a balanced ratio of CBD and THC. The indicia-dominant species is highly applauded for anxiety, inflammation, stress, and pain relief thanks to its psychoactive effects. Earthy and sweet with a hint of garlic and herbs, the flavor of this strain can only be described as pleasant and quirky.

4). DanceHall

Perhaps you have heard of DanceHall, another popular strain in the US. Just like CDB Shark, this strain has a nearly 1:1 ratio of CBD to THC. The Sativa dominant hybrid leaves its users to feel uplifted, energized, and relaxed. It was indeed cultivated to create a happy, euphoric state. The CBD rich strain gives a complete combination of earthy taste with sweet, flowery undertones.

5). Remedy

Remedy is one of the high CDB strains (about 15 %) with incredibly low THC (just less than 1%). This plant species allows users to have a calmer, euphoric state of mind with no psychoactive effects. It also helps to treat pain, inflammation, and anxiety. Remedy’s flavor is woody, earthy, and sweet!

6). The Wife

The Wife is a typically robust CBD hybrid with about 20:1 CBD to THC ratio. Over the years, this cannabis strain has delivered exceptionally CBD rich elements with fresh cherries as well as soothing physical effects. The Wife has been used to curb several physical ailments like chronic pain, chemotherapy side effects, migraines, and nausea.

7). Nordle

The list of popular CBD rich cannabis strains will not be complete without mentioning Nordle. This herb species has a balanced ratio of CBD to THC and it is known for delivering mild effects and relief for muscle spasms and general body pains.

Did your favorite cannabis strain appear on our list of CBD rich cannabis? Grab your favorite strain today and enjoy the clear benefits that go far beyond anti-inflammatory. Since most high CBD strains contain extremely low THC content, most of the species explained herein offer less of a psychoactive effect.



These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


This website contains general information about diet, health and nutrition. The information is not advice and is not a substitute for advice from a healthcare professional.

Is Cannabis an Effective Treatment for Women Who are Suffering From PCOS?

Menstrual pain is something that women have to deal with every month. However, there are a few unlucky women who experience severe menstrual pain. For these women, menstruation represents a complete emotional and physical nightmare.

Research shows that PCOS affects approximately 8 to 20 percent of women of reproductive age throughout the world. In a recent article published by the Huffington Post, the number of women in America who are affected by PCOS is 10 percent.

The prevalence of health-related challenges necessitated the emergence of new therapeutic approaches aimed at promoting and regulating women’s health. One new therapeutic approach, which is under scrutiny, is the medical benefits of cannabis use.

Practitioners who prescribe cannabis rely on its ability to treat various specialized conditions such as PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) and dysmenorrhea (menstrual cramps). With that said, let us look at the common symptoms of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.

PCOS Symptoms

PCOS symptoms normally begin right after puberty. However, these symptoms can develop later on during the late teenage years or even in the early years of adulthood. The three main symptoms used to diagnose PCOS are:

· Ovarian Cysts

· High androgen levels

· Irregular ovulation

Apart from the symptoms discussed above, women suffering from PCOS may also experience the following:

· Infertility

· Weight gain

· Menstrual irregularities

· Oily skin

· Hirsutism (excessive hair growth)

· Pelvic pain

· Patches of dark skin (acanthosis nigricans)

4 Popular Strains for the Effective Treatment of PCOS

In recent years, we have seen an increase in the popularity of marijuana treatment in states where the use of the plant is legal. Depending on the state in which you reside, there are hundreds of different strains available.

The high number of strains available in the market makes it very difficult to choose an ideal strain for the effective treatment of PCOS. We present you with the four best strains (according to PCOS patients) for relieving PCOS symptoms.

Sunset Sherbet

Sunset Sherbet is a popular marijuana strain that has been in the market for many years. Researchers established that it’s a less toxic alternative to conventional habit-forming medication. One of the tastiest strains, Sunset Sherbet can alleviate stress, loss of appetite, depression and chronic pain. When administered in larger doses, it is effective in treating insomnia. However, what really makes Sunset Sherbet quite popular is that, while on this strain, you still remain functional and creative.

Mr. Nice

Just like Sunset Sherbet, Mr. Nice is another strain that has proven useful in alleviating symptoms associated with PCOS including stress, depression and pain. Mr. Nice comes with a savory fruit flavor, making it a favorite for many medical marijuana users. A cross between Hash plant and G-13, Mr. Nice is a strong creeper, therefore, it's important to always adjust your dosage carefully while using this strain.


Remedy is another powerful strain used to treat symptoms associated with PCOS. It’s a cross between Afghan Skunk and Cannatonic. Apart from alleviating the symptoms associated with PCOS, medical practitioners prescribe this strain to individuals suffering from anxiety.

Granddaddy Purple

PCOS patients experience a lot of symptoms, many of which can be alleviated using a number of strains including Granddaddy Purple. Some of the symptoms alleviated by this strain include insomnia, muscle spasms (relief for menstrual cramps), as well as loss of appetite. Widely known for its crystal resin, this heavily relaxing strain boasts of a pallet of grape and berries.

Preferred Treatment Methods

Patients with PCOS can ingest their preferred marijuana treatment using a wide range of methods including smoking, vaporization, oils and edibles. However, when treating PCOS, the accuracy of the dose is extremely important. Therefore, medical practitioners will often recommend the use of marijuana oil as it’s easy to take the right doses.

If you are suffering from PCOS and reside in a state where medical marijuana is legal, you can always alleviate its symptoms by using any of the four strains discussed above. However, before taking medical marijuana always seek advice and guidance from a certified medical practitioner.


Types of Cannabis Concentrates

There are many varieties of cannabis and there are actually many ways to enjoy it, such as hash, flower and concentrates. You can also consume this as Kief and oil. Each product is made by using specific techniques.

Cannabis CO2 oil:

The CO2 oil is a type of cannabis concentrate that uses a natural method of processing. This is the safest process of extraction. This process generally uses temperature and pressure in order to extract elements of the flower. This will need an advanced mode of technology and machinery in order to complete the whole process of extraction. CO2 oil has gained popularity in the world of commercial extraction. It can be used as edible oil and as well as vaporizing oil.

Cannabis tinctures:

Tinctures are usually utilizing the decarboxylated cannabis. A high proof alcohol, such as Everclear, is used in processing tinctures. The whole blend of the mixture can be stored in a jar for weeks. It can be strained and consumed after the storage. It will look green in color.

Hash oil:

There are many types of cannabis oil available in the market. There are some popular oils such as THC honey oil, Butane hash oil, CO2 extracted oil, Rick Simpson oil. After completing the whole process of making the hash oil, it will look like a thicker solution. It is much thicker than tincture. These oils have gained popularity, over the past few years, due to the fact that they can be used in vaporizer pens.

The use of Butane hash oil is not a new practice and it has already gained popularity in the USA. Many people believe that dabbing is the safest method of “smoking” cannabis.

Making Rick Simpson oil is easy enough to do at home. There are reliable “how to” websites that will walk you through the steps of creating your hash oil.


Wax is another popular type of concentrate that is available to consumers. This wax is made by the whipping hash oil at the time of processing. It looks sticky and pasty in texture and is easy to smoke.

What are the best methods of consuming cannabis concentrates?

You can consume these products in various methods. We have listed several methods below:

· Smoking – This is the most common method of consuming cannabis. You can use a bowl and put the hash in the bottom of the bowl. After that you will have to heat the bowl and inhale the resultant vapor.

· Vaporizing – This is one of the healthiest options for consuming your cannabis products. You will need a vaporizing “rig”, which you can find in most medical or recreational marijuana dispensaries. Vaporizing ensures that you get the benefits of consuming cannabis without the coughing that ensues from inhaling the smoke from burning the product.

· Dabbing is a very popular processes of consuming cannabis concentrates. When dabbing, you will heat up cannabis wax and inhale the vapor.

When consuming cannabis products, you have a variety of methods, so you can choose what works best for you. Also, there is a seemingly endless list of strains which allows you to experiment with different strains in order to choose what you like best.



These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


This website contains general information about diet, health and nutrition. The information is not advice and is not a substitute for advice from a healthcare professional.

Tuesday 1 January 2019

Different Ways to Enjoy Your Favorite Strains of Cannabis

Many people consume cannabis to get physical and mental benefits from it. However, the level of benefits they get depends on how they are consuming it as each method of consuming cannabis provides its own effects and experience to the consumer. Some of the popularly used methods to consume cannabis include smoking, vaporizing, ingestible oils, edibles, topical products, dabbing and tinctures. All of these methods are briefly described here to have a better understanding of their effects.


It is one of the most common ways to consume cannabis. The inhaled smoke of cannabis affects your lungs before it is absorbed by your bloodstream. It is inhaled by two methods, smoking and vaporization. Smoking alone can be done in different ways like water pipes, hand pipes, hookahs, rolling papers, and homemade devices to use for one time only.

Available for Medical in CA (while Medical still exists)


This method of inhaling cannabis smoke is normally used by some of the health conscious and moderate users. The vaporizer heats this herb steadily to a temperature which is enough to extract CBD, THC and other cannabinoids from the herb. However, its temperature does not remain very high so that it doesn’t release the harmful toxins during its combustion.

Ingestible Oils:

Ingestible oil of cannabis is used as supplements for a variety of health issues. These oils are can be ingested in infused products or in capsule form.


The effect of cannabis is entirely different if you drink or eat it than vaping and smoking. Smoking and vaping allow the THC to enter your bloodstream more quickly than ingesting the product. The foods containing cannabis are known as Edibles. It can be added to food items whether cannabinoids are bio-available or not. These edibles offer psychoactive effect for quite some time and tend to give the user a powerful high.


The topical administration of cannabis includes the use of its full extract in the form of thick oil. The oil of this herb activates cannabinoids when it is decarboxylated. The effect of topical use of cannabis can be different from its medical use since the topical products do not provide a “high”. Since there is no high effect, you can use it any time and anywhere


Dabbing is when you use cannabis wax instead of burning the herb itself. When dabbing, you will use a “rig” that is very similar to a water pipe. You will heat up the wax and inhale the vapor.


The liquid extracts of cannabis are normally used by the consumers who are looking for a fast acting product without any risk to their health like with smoking. These tinctures are most commonly used as solvents to dissolve fat like glycerol or vinegar, some other liquids used for dissolving fat. Instead of swallowing and digesting these tinctures in the typical methods, you will put a few drops under your tongue (sublingual). Using tinctures are a great method of consuming your cannabis without having the telltale odor of cannabis smoke.



These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


This website contains general information about diet, health and nutrition. The information is not advice and is not a substitute for advice from a healthcare professional.

Why Are Hemp Seeds Considered to be a Superfood?

Living a healthy life is the dream of almost every individual in the world. Perhaps this is why people are considering not only delicious but also nutritious foods. Over the years, humans have been consuming seeds, especially the hemp seeds, for good reasons. These seeds are loaded with an excellent balance of omega 3 to omega 6, vitamin E, iron, essential amino acids, proteins, enzymes, vitamins, and much more. It is, therefore, one of nature’s true superfoods – which will be elaborated on later in this article. Before that, let us first get some information about hemp seeds!

What are hemp seeds?

Often, these seeds are confused with cannabis. The truth of the matter is that hemp is a variant species of cannabis and THC content is very little to none. Hemp seeds can be eaten shelled or whole, toasted or raw, and flavored or plain. In many marijuana dispensaries, you will find it in oily form or seed cake ground into protein and flour powder. The good news is that anyone can incorporate these seeds into his or her diet without worries of legal action. And as earlier mentioned, it is considered as a superfood for the following reasons:

Why hemp seeds are a superfood…

They are a wonderful source of protein.

Reports from many reputable scientific and medical researches show that hemp seeds contain a very high percentage of proteins. To be specific, these seeds have about thirty-three percent protein – by weight, they have about the same protein content as lamb or beef. For this reason, health professionals have been recommending that people source natural proteins from hemp seeds. To say that these seeds have a lot of protein is not enough; it is a complete protein, which is a rare phenomenon in plants. Being a complete protein means that it contains all the necessary essential amino acids.

These seeds are loaded with plenty of fiber.

While men require about 38 grams of fiber each day, women require 25 grams to help lower the risk of colon cancer, type-2 diabetes, heart disease, and more. However, studies show that most people in the US are lacking this important component in their diet. The good news is that, just like any other superfood, hemp seeds contain 10% to 15% percent fiber.

Hemp seeds are jam-packed with vitamins and minerals.

If you are looking for plant-based protein filled with essential nutrients, then look no further than these seeds. In fact, one dose of hemp seed nourishes your body with a sufficient supply of iron, calcium, zinc, potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus as well as vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B6, D, and E.

Hemp seeds accelerate weight loss.

If you are struggling with weight loss, then you have most likely tried many weight loss options. Unfortunately, most of these programs give lackluster results. However, there is one last option that you may not have tried – hemp seeds! The fiber in these seeds act as a natural appetite suppressant. It achieves this objective by fueling the body with the perfect mix of proteins, vitamins, fiber, and essential amino acids, which help people feel full for an extended period of time while reducing cravings for sugary foods.

Hemps seeds are an immunity booster.

Superfoods boost one's immunity, and hemp seeds are no exception. As earlier stated, these seeds contain high amounts of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, which play a vital role in transporting oxygen throughout your cells. As we all know, your cells have sufficient oxygen, they are better able to block fungal, bacterial, or even viral infections.

Other reasons why hemp seeds are considered superfoods…

There are endless justifications why the seeds in question are often placed in the category of superfoods. Below, we have listed even more reasons why you should consume hemp seeds:

• Alleviates itchy, dry skin;

• Improves digestive tract health;

• Lowers bad cholesterol;

• Nourishes skin, nails, and hair;

• Provides increased and sustained energy levels;

• Improves blood circulation;

• Reduces inflammation and regulates hormones;

• Fights cancer and helps you live longer

Hemp seeds are incredibly versatile. They can be added, in moderation, to many of your favorite recipes. Consuming hemp seeds is an excellent way to add extra nutrition to your daily diet for a healthy lifestyle.

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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


This website contains general information about diet, health and nutrition. The information is not advice and is not a substitute for advice from a healthcare professional

How Can I Control the Odor in My Indoor Cannabis Garden?

If you want to grow Cannabis in your indoor garden, then there are some important things that you will have to keep in mind. If you are a newbie to growing indoor cannabis gardens, you need to know some basic things. A very important thing to consider is how you can control the odor in your indoor grow room. You will have to reduce the smell that cannabis blossoms release during blooming.

Importance of controlling odor:

It is necessary to keep the odors in your grow room under control if you are planning to grow this plant inside your house for the following reasons:

· Cannabis has a very pungent odor. Your neighbors might be bothered by the smell.

· There may be some legal issues if someone chooses to report it to the authorities.

· Cannabis is a high dollar industry and you don’t want people to be tempted to steal your plants.

Fans & Charcoal Filters can Help!

Air circulation process:

Air circulation is important for a removing the pungent cannabis odor from your grow room. You should ensure the constant air exchange irrespective of the size of the growing area. Constant air circulation is needed to maintain a well-balanced environment. You can use any of the following to ensure that air circulation is adequate:

· Exhaust fan

· Acoustic box

· Intake fan

· Ventilation ducts

· Floor fan

· Clip fan

· Humidifier

Odor absorbing gel:

There are many types of odor absorbing gels available on the market. You may have to experiment with different gel products in order to find the one that works best at controlling the odor from your favorite cannabis strains. Once you find the one that works best for you, you will have your “odor control weapon”. You can get these odor controlling products in different forms, such as gels, sprays and blocks.

Activated carbon filter:

Generally, carbon filters are huge since they have heavy duty tubes loaded with carbon. You can purchase the carbon filters from the store or you can create it with the following supplies. You will need some items (listed below) in order to make your own activated carbon filter:

· A roll of aluminum screen

· A roll of duct tape

· A box with lid

· Activated carbon

· A PVC adaptor and cleanout cap

Ozone Generators:

Ozone generators provide several benefits for your grow room, including helping to control the odor from your cannabis plants, and we have listed them below:

· Ozone generators kill bacteria in your grow room as well as in your activated carbon filters.

· They remove all odors from the air quite effectively.

· Ozone generators create an environment that spider-mites don't like. They won't get rid of an existing problem, but they will help keep spider-mites from getting out of control.

· They control mold and powdery mildew both on plants and in the room.

When you decide to grow your own indoor cannabis garden, it is essential that you don’t forget to use the available odor control methods. Otherwise, you will be enjoying the smell of your cannabis plants all throughout your house.
